
Where does your donation go and why?

Glad you made it till here! Contribution from people like you is the driving force to our success.

As you might already know, we are not a charity organization, and we don't give out arms or feed people. There are other wonderful organizations which do that.


We believe in a sustainable rehabilitation of socially isolated people back in society. We aim to empower the people, help them find dignified work, furthermore we make sure that they have the drive to stay in the workforce and also motivate them to help others like them.

Below you will see a brief look at our program.
We have created a expert team working on each phase, as the candidate progress through our program.

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Over the last five years of operations, we were able to bring down the cost of helping one homeless from10000 €/year to 3000 €/year!

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Did you know, by collaborating with us, you are impacting 11 Sustainable Development Goals?

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

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